Artistic & Copyright | Volunteering & Donations
The Barnard Castle Christmas Lights are photographed each year by local artists who kindly share their images for all those who love Teesdale to enjoy year-round. Their images are used here by kind permission of the photographers.
Photographs and images are © protected by Copyright and permissions remain with the owners.
With thanks and credit to: Trevor Brookes, Mark Brownless, Brett Giroux, Richard Laidler,
Lorraine Nelson, Sue Smith, Peter Wardle. Donated painting image © Philip Chricton.
Please contact us​ if you would like to share your Barney Lights photographs.
Credits and thanks for your kind donations, support and goodwill throughout the year.
With special mention for all their volunteering efforts to:
Barnard Castle Christmas Lights (CIC) Volunteers - www.barneylights.com
Jonathan Wallis Chartered Surveyor - ​www.jonathanwalliscs.co.uk
Film Production by Howell Film of Barnard Castle - www.howellfilm.co.uk
Christmas Trees - Lord Barnard, Raby Estate, Teesdale - www.raby.co.uk
Tree Transport - S&A Builders' Merchant of Barnard Castle - www.sandabm.co.uk
Highforce Scaffolding of Barnard Castle - www.highforcescaffolding.co.uk
Rotary Club of Barnard Castle - www.RotaryBarnardCastle.org
Oliver Twist Deli Mince Pie Fundraiser - Oliver Twist's Deli
Barnard Castle Town Council - www.barnardcastletowncouncil.gov.uk
Barnard Castle Town Crier
Judges of the Photo Competition:
Adrian Jenkins - Director, The Bowes Museum
Trevor Brookes - Editor, Teesdale Mercury
Andy Beck - Founder, I Love Teesdale
Sarah Gent - Family Activities, TCR HUB
Sue Smith - Director, Barnard Castle Christmas Lights (Community Interest Company)
Not-for-profit, these leading lights and community organisations protect, preserve, enhance and promote the traditions and treasures of Barnard Castle in Teesdale.
For their stellar impromptu performances for the 2020 Switch-ON, we give extra special thanks and credit to the talented individuals of Barnard Castle and Teesdale who volunteered to brave the elements and bring us all some very special Christmas cheer this year:
Florence Backes (12). Emily Backes, Charlotte Perkins, John Trevett, Andrew Nicholson Conductor of Barnard Castle Band playing Flugelhorn, Susan Kirkbride, Ian Kirkbride, Issy Howell, Chris Howell
+ You know who ...
THANK YOU and Best Wishes

To The Clique Charity
For all your help every year fundraising and organizing events safely and with a smile.
We could not do it without you.
Cheers to one and all!

Barnard Castle Town Council kindly covers the cost of the installation of the lights by a professional electrical contractor. Its contribution covers 25% of the cost of the display.
The town's residents, people of the dales, visitors and friends gift the other 75% to cover costs.
The Lights committee runs the display voluntarily on a not-for-profit basis.
Join us!